
Пальчиковые игры

This little froggy took a big leap, (разгибаем первый пальчик из кулачка)
This little froggy took a small, (второй)
This little froggy leaped sideways, (третий)
And this little froggy not at all, (четвёртый)
And this little froggy went, hippity, hippity, hippity hop, all the way home. (сгибаем и разгибаем пятый пальчик)


What a great sea
that would be!
(Поднимаем руки вверх.)
If all the trees
were one tree,
(Смотрим вверх из-под руки.)
What a great tree
that would be!

If all the axes
were one axe
(Показываем руками топор.)
What a great axe
that would be!
(Поднимаем руки.)
And if all the men
were one man
(Показываем руками человека.)
What a great man
that would be!
(Показываем, какой он большой.)

And if the great MAN
Took the great AXE
And chopped down
the great TREE
And it fell into
the great SEA -
What a great SPLASH
that would be!


Two little blackbirds
Two little blackbirds
Sitting on a hill.
(Показываем руками птичек.)

One named Jack,
(Одна рука вперёд.)

And one named Jill.
(Другая рука.)

Fly away, Jack,
(Одну руку прячем за спину.)

Fly away, Jill.
(Другую руку.)

Come back, Jack.
(Возвращаем одну руку.)

Come back, Jill.
(Возвращаем вторую.)


Little duck
I am a little duck that goes quack, quack, quack.
(Сделайте из руки квакающий утиный клюв.)

And I've got lots of feathers on my back, back, back.
(Помашите руками возле попы, изображая хвост утки.)

And when I go down to the lake,
I wiggle and I wobble and I shake, shake, shake.
(Отряхнитесь, как делает утка.)
And when I go to sleep at night,
(Руки под голову.)

I close my eyes very tight.
(Крепко закройте глаза.)
But in the morning when I wake,
I wiggle and I wobble and I shake, shake, shake.

Little bird
One little bird with lovely feathers blue.
(Поднимите один палец.)

Sat beside another one. Then there were two.
(Поднимите второй.)

Two little birds singing in the tree.

Another came to join them. Then there were three.
(Поднимите третий.)

Three little birds, wishing there were more.

Along came another bird. Then there were four.
(Поднимите четвёртый.)

Four little birds, glad to be alive.

Found a lonely friend. Then there were five.
(Поднимите пятый.)

Five little birds just as happy as can be.
Five little birds singing songs for you and me.


Mrs. Pigeon
Mrs. Peck Pigeon
is pecking for bread.
(Покивайте головой.)

Goes her little round head.
Tame as a kitty cat,
In the street.
Step, step, step.
(Сделайте три шага.)

Go her little red feet.
With her little red feet,
(Покажите пальцем на ноги.)

And her little round head,
(Покажите на голову.)

Mrs. Peck Pigeon
Goes pecking for bread.

Alligator finger play
Here is the alligator.
(Правая рука превращается в аллигатора.)

Sitting on a log.
(Правая рука оказывается на левом предплечье.)

Down in the pool
(Очертите рукой круг.)

He sees a little frog.
(Приставьте руки к глазам, как будто вы смотрите в бинокль.)

In goes the alligator.
(Ныряющие движения руками.)

Round goes the log.
(Покрутите руками вокруг друг друга.)

Splash goes the water.
(Всплесните руками.)

Away swims the frog.
(Гребки руками.)


Ten little fingers
I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me.
(Раскройте ладони.)

I can make them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight.
(Сожмите кулаки.)

Or open them wide.
(Раскройте кулаки.)

I can put them together, or make them all hide.
(Соедините кулаки, потом спрячьте из за спиной.)

I can make them jump high.
(Покачайте руками над головой.)

I can make them go low.
(Покачайте руками внизу.)

I can fold them up quietly and hold them just so.
(Положите руки на колени.)


Five Little Babies
One little baby rocking in a tree (изображаем укачивание ребенка на руках))
Two little babies splashing in the sea. ("плещем" руками "в воде")
Three little babies crawling On the floor ("ползем" тремя пальцами по руке)
Four little babies banging on the door. (хлопаем в ладоши))
Five little babies playing hide and seek (закрываем ладошками глаза)
Keep your eyes closed tight Till I say PEEK! (открываем глаза)


I wiggle
I wiggle my fingers,
(Подвигайте пальцами рук.)

I wiggle my toes,
(Подвигайте пальцами ног.)

I wiggle my shoulders,
(Подвигайте плечами.)

I wiggle my nose.
(Сморщите нос.)

Now no more wiggles are left in me.
So I will be still as still can be.


The elephant's trunk
The elephant has a great big trunk
(Делаем из руки хобот.)

That goes swinging, swinging so,
(Раскачиваем рукой-хоботом.)

He has tiny, tiny eyes that show him where to go.
(Показываем на глаза.)

His huge long ears go flapping, flapping up and down.
(Складываем руки наподобие ушей.)

His great feet go stamping, stamping on the ground.
(Топаем ногами.)


Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good-night.


Little bear
This little bear has a fur suit.
(Большой палец)

This little bear acts very cute.

This little bear is bold and cross.

This little bear says, "You're not boss."

This little bear likes bacon and honey.

But he can't buy them, he has no money!


Раскройте ручки малыша, поглаживая их сверху вниз, и поиграйте с его пальчиками. Разгибаем пальчики один за другим, начиная с большого:
Where is Thumbkin?
Here I am, here I am. (Большой палец сгибается-разгибается в такт словам)
How are you today?
Very well, thank you.(Большой палец пляшет)
Go away, go away. (Большой палец сгибается. То же самое с другими пальцами)
Where is Pointer?
Where is Pointer?
Here I am, here I am.
How are you today?
Very well, thank you.
Go away, go away.
Where is Ring Man?
Where is Ring Man?
Here I am, here I am.
How are you today?
Very well, thank you.
Go away, go away.
Where is Тommy Tall?
Where is Тommy Tall?
Here I am, here I am.
How are you today?
Very well, thank you.
Go away, go away.
Where is Small Man?
Where is Small Man?
Here I am, here I am.
How are you today?
Very well, thank you.
Go away, go away.

© Николай Касаткин / info @ kasatik.ru